Three years ago, I started focusing on ideas for my new book. I already knew it would be about a guardian angel, Jesus and God.
From the beginning, it was though the Holy Spirit took me over, encouraging me to go deeper, in more profound ways. As I wrote each chapter, I could hear the Master’s voice, inside my brain guiding me every step of the way. Filled with passion and conviction, I continued writing and re-writing over several drafts.
Never a day passed in this writing process that I didn’t pray for His help. It became a sacred task in what became my covenant with God. I quickly became aware that my own life was changing. I was becoming a better person, getting closer to the Lord every day.
It’s truly remarkable how much God is actually involved in our lives, if only we would realize it. Opening up my heart, welcoming God into myself in this way has become a life changing experience for me. Writing my new book, Naomi’s Journey Into The Light, has made me a stronger writer and a better person than I’ve ever been. As I completed it, I began to see more clearly, that even though it’s a novel, God’s truth fills the pages throughout. His words have transformed people’s lives ever since the birth of mankind.
Writing this book has been a blessing to my life. In the quiet of the evening, I hear the Master’s voice whispering, I am with you always. Within my own soul, this is what matters most to me.
– Sam Rawlins, February 2022
(First in a blog series concerning Naomi’s Journey Into The Light. This faith-based, inspirational novel by Sam Rawlins will be available through Amazon and Barnes and sometime in April or May 2022)