In writing my new book I wanted to inspire readers to live better lives. As it evolved, Naomi’s Journey Into The Light became for more than what I intended it to be. It was becoming a story of faith with profound questions and even more profound answers. The power of the story’s message was becoming something that readers would not soon forget.

In reaching the decision to make this story my next book, one must understand why I felt particularly suited to write it. I’m not only a writer, but a witness to many deaths in my lifetime. I’ve been up and close and personal to many as they experienced their final moments of life on this earth. Listening and praying with them as they had visions of the hope of Heaven or saw the spirits of lost loved ones before leaving this world. At first, seeing such things shook me to the core. But as time passed, my faith strengthened. The existence of our Lord become an unshakable truth within me. In writing this book, I wanted to convey this same truth to all who read it.

From the very beginning, I knew this would be a story I would want to tell. The subject matter consumed me and took over my soul, stimulating my thoughts throughout the creative process. My commitment became total. From my own experiences, knowing God is real and that His Spirit is all around us, further motivated me. There is a strong need in this world for so many to have a stronger bond with our Lord. Finishing my new book, I believe the story between its pages will be a faith-renewing experience for those who read it.

During the writing of this book, it came to me that I’m far more than just a writer of inspirational stories. I’m a devout person who expresses a written message of faith and hope, straight from my heart, within the stories I write.

There is a strong Christian point of view in Naomi’s Journey Into The Light. In my own life I have seen so many lifted up and had their lives changed by letting the spirit of Jesus Christ into their own lives, changing them forever. What I’ve seen and experienced in my own life became a huge part of Naomi’s story as I wrote this book. What she sees and experiences and how it changes her life becomes the story I have written. I believe it’s a story that will linger in the mind of the reader, giving one positive food for thought.

– Sam Rawlins, 2022

(Sixth and final chapter in this blog series concerning Naomi’s Journey Into The Light by Sam Rawlins. It will be released sometime in April or May, available through Amazon and Barnes &