In concept, a friendship is a special bond between people involving many emotions in which an underlying honestly is always present. Among certain basic characteristics are: understanding and compassion, kindness, affection, even love and forgiveness. In a true and lasting friendship there is a deep trust in which one can candidly express one’s feelings to another.

The older we get, we begin to realize the value of a true friend, who has your back. We are all unique individuals traveling through this life, so it’s indeed a miracle when two people find themselves in a true friendship. One may ask, where has this other person been all my life?

Making new friends is often hard at times, but finding that one true friend can almost feel like a gift from God. When a new friend enters our sphere of existence, it’s like a new world is born. Nothing can beat the company of true friends in our lives. To find that someone who possesses a listening ear or has a shoulder to cry on, one who truly cares about you in both good times as well as the bad, is a rare and wonderful thing.

Such a friendship can be a crucial ingredient in one’s emotional well-being. Nothing can beat quality times with a close friend. In some cases, it can even add a life sustaining morale boost.

Often times a true friendship evolves from a mutual interest in another’s experiences. Frequently, mutual respect and admiration that can last a lifetime is the end result.

What more can one ask for in life than a true friend who is supportive of your thoughts and feelings? Such a friend accepts you for who you are. Having this type of friendship can be rewarding to the point of redefining your life.

I’m personally honored by the friendships that have materialized in my own life. They are sincerely treasured and held dearly in my heart.