There is a special bond that exists between humans and dogs. They are much more than just pets. They are our children. This is a relationship that millions around the world enjoy.

Coming home from a day’s work, your dog lights up and is happy to see you. There’s a special feeling that rises in your heart when you see your loving companion.

Full disclosure here, I’ve been a dog lover most of my life, having had three dogs – Tippy, Brandis, and Janis – all distinctly different from each other. But the one common trait they all possessed was the unconditional love they gave me.

Having always liked Yorkies, I wanted to know more about the breed: On average, most have a lifespan of 11 to 15 years, though some have lived up to 20 years. They are brave, courageous little dogs. During World War II, a Yorkie named Smoky became a hero, going on more than a hundred aerial missions, parachuting from planes. After the war, she visited countless wounded soldiers and those suffering from PTSD, making her one of the very first therapy dogs. Smoky was beloved by all, projecting her love to those who needed it the most.

One particular little Yorkie happens to be a neighbor of mine. Her name is Gracie. Never backing down, she knows no fear. Her personality is unique in so many ways. It’s amazing to me, at times she seems to have sort of a sixth-sense, being able to read human emotions, knowing what is really going on. It is an instinctual gift.

Observing Gracie and her master together is a wonder to behold. When their eyes meet, one can feel the emotional bonding between them. It is as if the fixed gaze between them is that of a mother and her child.

It has been said that the bonding we have with our pets can be beneficial to our health and add to a longer life span. It has also been said that we often take on many of the characteristics of our pets. In the case of Gracie that must be true, for her master is one of the nicest, most truly good persons I have ever known.

Any relationship with our pets can become almost a sacred thing. Just looking into Gracie’s face, one would have to be blind not to see her good heart and affection. When I’m in her presence, I feel truly blessed by one of God’s creatures.