Life is not always about making a lot of money and getting rich. Many a wealthy person -try as they might- never feels truly complete, or really happy in life.

The secret to real success can be found within the happiness you will feel when you help others. Giving of yourself to others can give your own life meaning and purpose. Anne Frank said it best: “No one has ever become poor by giving.”

Reaching out to those in need, connects people in most heartfelt ways, creating a stronger bond with our fellow man. Kindness creates a better atmosphere to live in. You will have a greater sense of happiness in your own life.

If your life seems incomplete, consider the positive feelings you will experience when you do good for others. We should all remember, it is in the giving that we receive something back. If you lighten the burdens of others, lifting them up to a better place, you are ultimately doing something positive for your own heart.

Having caring qualities can be beneficial in living a longer life. Good will to others is contagious and habit forming. In the grand scheme of things, caring for others will lead to a better world for all of us.

Helping others will give you more satisfaction than you could ever imagine. Let us all join together by helping others and make the world a better place to live in.

-Sam Rawlins