With so much that is wrong in today’s world, one thing needed is more love and understanding among all mankind. People truly caring for one another could lead to a better world.

On a personal level love is defined as strong feelings of affection of one person for another person. Sometimes it grows out of mutual admiration arising from common interests.

To some, love means respect and loyalty of one for another, even commitment on some level. For it to be lasting, it means trust and mutual respect between the two persons.

Love can be a leap of faith for some, but for those who truly know each other’s soul, it can become something truly beautiful. Growing together, walking through life one day at a time, two such people can find happiness to last a lifetime.

Sometimes love grows into unconditional love. Such feelings are described as caring about the happiness of another without a thought of wanting anything in return. Sometimes unconditional love can be the greatest feeling one can ever know.

Love can take many different forms to different people. To some, love means security. To others, love means having someone who is a sounding board or a best friend.
In our journey through life, many have found love is being able to completely open up with someone, someone you can trust, someone who will be there for you through the thick and the thin of life’s travels.

For some, lasting friendships grow over a period of years. Having mutual adoration, one for another, can lead to the truest, most sincere form of love.

If all of us would learn to speak from the heart more often, with kindness and sincerity, not only would our relationships become better, our world would become a better place to live in.

To all who read this, think on the thoughts presented here. Examine them within the feelings of your own heart. One day, you just might find yourself in a life-changing relationship.

My best wishes for your lasting happiness,
Sam Rawlins