Reflecting on these troubled times we are all going through – full of corona virus and ethical and moral issues – there is one thing we should all consider doing.

That one thing is turning to God, opening up our hearts in prayer, seeking His presence in our own lives. Striving to become better persons within our selves is not only a noble aspiration, but a doable thing.

To achieve peace in the world, we as individuals must find peace in our own souls. The benefit is an inner calm, an almost spiritual calm. Some call peace with God. However you define it, it can lead you to becoming a better person. Once you have done this, listen to your own voice of peace and wisdom. Believing in it, you can then expose it to others around you.

Setting aside anger, seeking to settle issues that trouble us in a peaceful way is the one thing each one of us can do to help make our world a better place to live in. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” What a wonderful thought: We are all God’s children. Think about it. According to Genesis, all mankind was created by the Lord in His own image. If that be true, then in a very real since we are all God’s Children.

Jesus also said, “Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” We all should take this commandment to heart and practice it in word, thought, and deed. If we do this one thing, each one of us will be doing our part in helping to make a better world.

Take the thoughts presented here, think on them, and let God speak to your soul as to what you should do.

– Peace to you dear readers and may the Lord bless you and guide you in your own life, Sam Rawlins.