This book, “A Return To Meadow Wood” by Sam Rawlins seems to have something of everything… seriously. Interpersonal struggles, faith, friends and relationships, life and death danger and situations, deep issues that people face, but I thought the background of the Vietnam War and having PTSD and the spiritual turmoil tied together nicely in such realistic way, and all these events just felt so relatable even to someone who has never experienced any of it firsthand. I was impressed by the seamless narrative transitions, and while I’m not usually a fan of dense prose with little dialogue for stretches, it didn’t bother me here much
as I enjoyed Mr. Rawlins’s beautiful writing. Always found myself reading for longer than I planned to, as there was never a good place to just “stop”. This is good too (especially towards the end). This novel will probably appeal mostly to people who are Christian or religious as there is definitely that message here, but more than just that it is extremely well written and makes me feel and think. Recommend for fans of literary fiction and religious historical fiction.

Jason Thackery