At one time or another, in all our lives, most of us will discover that prayer will comfort a heartache, and if you’re in need of it, God will restore your soul.

About eight years ago, I found myself in just such a position. I opened myself up to God and He made me anew. Death was a very real possibility for me back then, but God healed me. I’m alive today because He willed it to be.

What followed was that I’m doing what I do now. I resolved to live the rest of my life in a more positive way, to become a better person. In doing so, I opened up my soul to the Holy Spirit. I had always been a Christian, but it was at that point I truly became born again.

By His grace, I was allowed to live, because the Lord had a purpose for my life. Discovering that purpose, it became part of my covenant with God. I promised with what gifts I have as a writer, to write inspirational novels that would impact readers in positive ways, motivating them to become better persons.

If I could, I would ask all of you, who among you does not want a better world? One way to do just that would be to bring people to God, to live and work in a world blessed by Him.

If you’re a Christian and believe in Jesus, then you know what He said: I am the way, the truth and the life. In these troubled times, these and other similar thoughts had been swirling around in my head for some time.

Several different story ideas had been coming to my mind for my next book. All were good. Which one should I choose? I prayed for an answer. In response, a series of thoughts flowed, in a continuous stream into my brain: I have had many experiences in my life of seeing people die. I have encountered more than a few, who in their final days and moments, had visions of God, Jesus, angels, or departed loved ones. One night, it came to my mind as a powerful message, to communicate to readers that there is life beyond this life, with the Lord. After much prayer, I knew this should be an important part of my new book.

As I wrote this story over the last three years, I felt the Holy Spirit guiding me through the entire writing process. Every night a Voice whispered to my mind, telling me the words of Jesus that were to be in it. I cannot even begin to express how powerful those moments were. From this whole experience, I knew in my heart and soul this was the book the Lord wanted me to write.

My new book, Naomi’s Journey Into The Light, should be out in April or May, being available through Amazon and Barnes &

It is a deeply moving, heartfelt story of faith, reminiscent of elements of A Christmas Carol and It’s A Wonderful Life. This is an inspiring book that most readers will not soon forget. Please check it out, I believe it will be a profoundly moving reading experience for you, dear reader.

– Sam Rawlins, March 2022

(Third in a blog series concerning Naomi’s Journey Into The Light by Sam Rawlins)