What nature reveals to the sower of seeds, the gardener, is a beautiful vision. It is a gift of special insight for those that pursue it. For the gardener is the co-creator of something beautiful, working in harmony with nature itself.

It may be something so simple as growing a humble garden in your backyard. As it slowly springs from the dirt, we see unusual spirals of plants, a perfect sense of geometry, shapes, color, patterns and texture in the newly opened blossom of a single flower.

The gardening of flowers can reveal so much: dazzling, vibrant colors springing forth from an inward place beneath the earth. For anyone who views this miracle of life, something special can be seen in what is rendered before our very eyes.

To see all of this in a garden, the perfect harmony of all the elements of nature, requires a certain perception and insight. The gift of envisioning something in the mind of the gardener is the rare ability to see something beautiful spring from the earth.
Every flower that opens up is another soul blossoming into existence. After all those with special insight know this is part of the workmanship of Almighty God.

Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty in nature never really grows old. In every gardener’s heart there must be a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of what can be in a beautiful garden.

Not everyone is so talented. Only a select few really have a ‘green thumb.’ In my whole life I have only known four wonderful women with even the thought of this ability. They are all artists in a very special sense, full of compassion and love of nature and all of God’s creatures.

In my mind and heart, I say bless them and anyone else who would sow seeds of beauty upon this earth, for they are planting a little happiness along with it. Bless them forever and ever.