This is the question I always ask myself when I start a new project. What elements do I want to include in my new book? At the very beginning when I started writing my new book. ‘Young Lincoln of New Salem,’ I knew that there would be at least three major elements blended together as seamlessly as possible: inspirational, romance, and history.

These three elements would be supportive of each other throughout. Those looking for a romance story deeply felt and memorable, or an inspirational story that was uplifting on many levels, or a little-known true story taken right out of the pages of history, would find all three of these elements woven together in my new book.

Over all–at least for me–part of my writing goal is to provide a unique and transformative experience that leaves the reader uplifted in so many ways. When I can do this, I feel like I’m succeeding as a writer.

-Sam Rawlins