When you look up at night, you begin to realize you’re just a small spec in this galaxy in which we live. Our galaxy is one of small, almost insignificant size.

To put things into their proper prospective; there are millions upon millions of galaxies in an infinite universe. If we could go beyond the infinite, we would see how microscopically small we are in relationship to the cosmos itself.

So, the question then arises, where is Heaven within this vast maze? Is it somewhere in a distant galaxy far beyond the reach of mortal man? Or is it possible that it is somewhere closer, or perhaps within another realm of existence beyond our understanding?

Wherever Heaven is, we should all have faith in its existence. For it is within faith that each one of us finds the meaning and purpose in our own lives. If all of mankind would embrace this concept — even in a small way — one day our descendants might carry a positive message to the stars and beyond.

Personally, I believe faith has helped me and others throughout history to achieve goals and fulfill our destinies. Consider it for yourself.