Wisdom is made up of several components: knowledge and careful judgment, tempered by a good heart. In wider, more sweeping terms, it is the sum total of all knowledge acquired since the beginning of time.

Acquiring the insight to implement wisdom in our personal lives is a learning experience. In this process, Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.” After all, life is a rocky road full of ups and downs. This is the reality of life. Within that reality, if we temper our acquisition of knowledge, and how we use it, with good common sense, it can become part of a good life full of happiness.

Being wise means you have the ability to implement new innovative thinking in your own life. You can challenge accepted thinking with new ideas that can advance the common good of all mankind. One could go out and write a novel that moves and inspires others, which is what I have attempted to do in my own life.

To attempt to do something that is a positive thing for everyone, is indeed a noble and unselfish goal. Using wisdom in this way, promotes understanding among all of us in living more fulfilling lives.

Make your own life count for something, using what you’ve learned in the most positive way possible. Remember a good head together with a good heart can be an unbeatable combination.