When I first started writing stories, many decades ago, I was afraid. I didn’t want to listen to my inner voice that I was up to the challenge of writing.

I quickly learned one of my first life lessons. No matter what you do in life you should have faith in yourself. With confidence you can overcome all obstacles to accomplish your goals. Over time I learned my craft well enough to tell the stories I wanted to tell.

Learning how to believe in myself as both a writer and as a human being has opened up endless possibilities that has led to a fuller, more satisfying life. When you get to the level within yourself where you can believe anything is possible, that’s when you can not only see real positive growth in your writing but as a mature human being as well.

Over time, I learned to face all the obstacles that life throws at you and do away with my self-doubt. Coming back from my service in the Vietnam War, I refocused myself in learning the craft of writing. Over the past decade I have written two novels, A Return to Meadow Wood and Young Lincoln of New Salem, both full of inspirational and historical fiction elements. Both books contain positive messages of faith that I’m very proud of writing.

Beyond all I’ve said in this blog, I would say having the element of faith in my own life has helped me in the most positive ways to become the person I am in everything I do. It is my sincere heart-felt hope dear reader that you too will find what works best for you in your own life.

All my best,
Sam Rawlins